Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Pardon This Interruption

We have a weather cancellation.  I'm pretty frustrated, but I'm trying to just accept it as bad luck and move on.

Due to a historic snow storm in the south, our clinic is closed today.  My OPK was supposed to turn positive tomorrow or Friday, but of course, it went positive today.  Which is cool and all, except my clinic is pushing patients whose appointments were cancelled to tomorrow.  The earliest they could get us in for an IUI is tomorrow afternoon. 

And since my OPK is already positive, I don't think that it's worth $600 out of pocket and make my husband take 4 hours off from work and spend the gas money to drive 2 cars 2 hours there and 2 hours back wen I may very likely have ovulated already by the time we get there.  With an unmedicated IUI, good timing is the only way to get any advantage over the old fashioned way, and it looks impossible for us to get in for an IUI tomorrow morning.

I'm frustrated.  I'm disappointed.  I'm relieved?  I've been debating internally whether I wanted to proceed with unmedicated IUIs given our new diagnosis of Unexplained Infertility - when we were Male Factor Infertility, I saw an advantage.  And now that my husband's numbers are good, I'm just not sure if it's worth $600 for only a 10% chance each cycle.  I guess this was the deciding factor.  No unmedicated IUI this cycle.

We could just push back our plans - start next cycle with an unmedicated IUI, then the medicated TI cycle, and then the medicated IUIs.  Except when I'm supposed to ovulate next cycle, my father-in-law and his best friend are supposed to visit that week.  It makes it rather difficult to steal my husband for a 4 hour trip to go do the IUI, and even harder for me to get the time for monitoring appointments.  So we had planned to use that cycle as our medicated TI cycle before starting medicated IUIs (because of insurance coverage, we want to start with a TI cycle).  So now... do we do a medicated TI cycle, then an unmedicated IUI?  That seems pointless.

Add in that I just got a new job.  Yesterday.  I start Monday.  So I'm going to have to fit these monitoring appointments in before work hours, which will make for some very long days.  I was going to have to do that anyway, but I was holding out hope for this cycle.  That pretty much died this morning with that phone call (okay, I'm still optimistic, despite my attempt to moderate optimism so I don't get disappointed - we've had pretty good timing so far, especially if we make use of this snow day!)

I'm bummed.  I'm overwhelmed.  I'm sad.  I'm nervous.  I'm relaxed.  I'm SO CONFUSED!


  1. Hi, I just stumbled upon your blog from . I just wanted to let you know how much I understand your frustrations. I still havent read through your entire journey yet, but i can relate to much of what ive read so far. My husband and I are too going though a crazy fertility journey and with each month that passes, it's even more depressing and frustrating. I know this southern weather has not helped AT ALL! We are in Charleston and this past week, the bridges were closed for 2 days so we were stuck on the opposite side of town as our RE.
    I realize I'm just another Internet reader, but if you ever need to vent or talk about your subject with someone who is still going through the same thing, plus twin blighted ovums, and many failed cycles ( with friends that have been through the entire fertility journey too and back) feel free to get in touch. Hugs to you.

    1. Thank you for your kind words! It was likely the same bridge issue as us, possibly the same RE! I hope you find your luck soon, too!
