Monday, March 31, 2014

Good Omens

I was driving home from the grocery store today when the truck in front of me spat up a rock the size of a walnut.  It was one of those moments where I could see it coming and winced before I heard the sharp sound of it hitting glass.

I glanced over to confirm that it had indeed hit my windshield, right on the edge of the passenger side.  It was a small ding, with a small amount of spider cracks around it.  Probably about the size of an apple, all together.  I grinned and fist pumped a little.  YES!

Now, you've got to be thinking I've lost my mind.  Who is happy about a broken windshield?!

Well, I bought my car a little over a year ago.  It was used, and had originally been owned in New Hampshire.  The car had a fresh coat of paint from the dealer who bought it at auction, and was in perfect mechanical condition, but the windshield was pitted from 50,000 miles of driving on the salted and rocky roads of New Hampshire.  You can't tell except when the sun hits it, and creates this terrible glare.  Normally people get glare from a certain angle, but because my windshield has so many different angles within so many different tiny pit marks, it's as sparkly as a diamond, glaring right into my face, pretty much anytime the car is pointed in the general direction of the sun.

We'd joked for awhile about throwing rocks at it ourselves so we'd have cause to replace it.  Never seriously considered it, as I would be too afraid of said rocks hitting the body of the car and damaging it.  Also, we aren't the kind of people to fake something like that.  So we had been talking about paying out of pocket to replace the windshield in a few months, after we get a handle on (or hopefully past) the expenses of infertility treatment.  But my husband wasn't thrilled with me driving as much as I do to get to my fertility appointments with the windshield causing visibility problems.

Now we HAVE to replace it.

So I called up my insurance carrier, who confirmed there is a zero deductible.  I expected our $200 deductible would apply, which would be fine, but I guess they have special rules for windshields.  YAY!

Then the representative asked me how big the crack was, and I told her. She informed me that it sounded like it would be acceptable to repair instead of replace.  Some of the wind went out of my sails, as repairing a crack would not involve filling in all those microscopic pits that create such visibility issues.

She asked a few more questions, so I went outside to look at the windshield so I could answer.  Sure enough, the crack had spread halfway across my windshield in the 30 minutes since it happened.  HURRAY!  THEY HAVE TO REPLACE IT!  It's now too big to repair!

So they're coming to my house on Friday.  I don't have to pay anything.  I get a brand new windshield.

I'm calling it a good omen.  I've been waiting over a year to replace that windshield, and now it's finally going to happen!  FOR FREE!  I've been trying to find a job here since we got here, with some rough bump along the way, and as of Friday, I have a great paying job that is entirely flexible to my schedule and I'm excited about!  Everything's turning up roses, and hopefully that trend keeps coming!

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